Director Vignesh Shivan, has become quite popular in the Telugu circuit as well after dating superstar Nayanthara and subsequently marrying her. And he is super active on social media too as he shares a lot of updates about Nayan, their personal life, travel, work and much more. But here comes a surprise act from him that is setting the tongues wagging now.

In fact, Nayan’s husband could be seen promoting the film Jailer recently on his Instagram page a lot, and also posting a lot of personal updates about Nayanthara and also promoting their cosmetic company. But then, he’s not even posting a single update about Shahrukh Khan and Atlee’s Jawan on his social media page. Though many thought that he would share Jawan trailer at the least, Nayanthara herself opened an Instagram account officially and shared the trailer. Many are wondering why Vignesh is avoiding Jawan like this.

Going by some previous videos, Shah Rukh Khan has not only gone to Nayan’s home for lunch, but he’s one of the high-profile guests who attended the actress’s wedding to Vignesh Shivan. Then what is stopping Vignesh from sharing about Jawan like this? Currently social media is talking a lot about the star-husband’s silence, and we have to see what he says.
