A character that started as only a part of the Genshin Impact manga, Collei has joined the in-game cast in the 3.0 update and the new Sumeru region. She is a 4-star character who wields the powers of the new Dendro element with the help of her trusty bow, as befits a trainee of the Avidya Forest Rangers. Through the Genshin Impact manga, as well as now through the game, we have come to know a lot about Collei and her tragic backstory. But since birthdays are so important in Genshin Impact (for all those scrumptious birthday gifts), many will wonder what is Collei’s birthday and how old is she. So let’s dig in and find out.
Related: All Collei Skills, Talents, and Ascension Materials in Genshin Impact
What are Collei’s birthday and age in Genshin Impact?
Collei was born on May 8, which makes her a Taurus by our world’s reckoning. However, in Genshin Impact, her Constellation is Leptailurus Cervarius, which translates to Serval, a species of long-eared felines.
As is the case with most Genshin Impact characters, no concrete ages are usually specified and they are left to speculation. This has led to fans forming their own lists of how old each character is. With Collei, we can be a little more certain, as we have been able to follow even more of her story through the manga before she was even in the game. Therefore, the most likely estimate would put Collei at being about 16 years old when the events of Genshin Impact Patch 3.0 kicked off.
Related: Who is the voice actor for Collei in Genshin Impact?
Speaking of Collei’s birthday, we should also mention that we know what to expect in the mail once May comes around. Collei’s favorite dish is called Yearning, which is a special version of Pita Pocket with 3-star rarity. There’s even a recipe on how to cook it, and the effects of eating the dish are to restore 40% max HP and then an extra 2350 HP to that character.
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Miljan Truc
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