Saif Ali Khan’s daughter Sara Ali Khan made an impressive debut last year with Kedarnath and then Simmba established her as one of the most popular fresh faces of B-town. Now talks of Saif Ali Khan’s son Ibrahim following his footsteps in Bollywood has begun. Ibrahim has already become paparazzi’s favourite and is spotted every now and then, be it at a movie outing or playing cricket. Talking to a leading daily Saif broke his silence on Ibrahim’s debut on the big screen and said, “He should, he’s looking good, better looking than I am! He’s a very charming guy. I definitely think all of my children would be interested in acting.”
The actor further said, “We’re an acting family, the whole bunch of us are in the industry. So I'm sure. He’s still a little young and I’m keener that he does university first. Then, of course, we’ll support him in whatever he wants to do.” The actor is currently shooting in London for his home production film, Nitin Kakkar’s Jawaani Jaaneman. His first web show, which is now one of the most popular show on the digital platform, Sacred Games, is coming with its season 2 from August 15 on Netflix.